What Temperature Should My AC Be At Night?

Having a good and relaxing sleep can be tough at times, especially during the hot summer nights in Lake City, Florida. Owing to the tricky and extreme weather, programming the thermostat to have the right temperature in the room is not easy. In case one decreases the temperature, it may seem too cold. In addition to this, an increase in the utility bill and frequent services from AC repair in Lake City, FL, is not desirable at all.

This dilemma has resulted in the Department of Energy releasing a statement regarding the optimum temperature at which one can set their thermostats and ensure a good sleep. The optimum temperature, according to DOE, is between 60 to 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

A More Efficient Temperature

Each time summers arrive, we all brace ourselves for high utility bills. However, that does not mean that certain practices can slightly decrease the monthly payment. The reason why the DOE mentions the above temperature is because it creates a comfortable temperature in the room while being a more economical option as well.

  • Increased Efficiency

Below mentioned factors can be adapted in an attempt to decrease the load on our AC systems further. These are –

  • Running Fans

Putting on the fan while the AC is running can lead to a 4-degree Fahrenheit decrease, thus allowing the AC to function at 68 degrees Fahrenheit. This can also circulate the cold air more evenly throughout the entire room.

  • Blinds And Curtains

To ensure the most savings, one should also do everything in their power to reduce the overall temperature of the house during the day. This involves drawing the blinds and curtains so that direct sunlight does not enter inside the house.

  • Daytime Temperature

Some sources state that setting the thermostat to a higher temperature during the day would drastically reduce the need for AC during the night. The higher temperatures, in this case, refers to the 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit range.

  • Automatic Thermostats

At present, the newer models of AC systems contain a “smart thermostat”. As per this technology, an individual is capable of programming a temperature beforehand. Therefore, the time when they are in a particular phase of sleep will not be interrupted. This is because this phase, also known as REM or Rapid Eye Movement, requires a temperature that is comfortable as the body cannot regulate the internal temperature temporarily.

  • Open Windows

In case the temperature for the night is pleasurable and does not require cooling from the AC, one can opt to open the windows and leave the fan running. This will allow the room to receive natural air conditioning while also not requiring extra energy.

There are many ways in which one can receive some well-deserved shut-eye during the summer. However, one can also benefit from a frequent check and tune-up during the summer to ensure that the AC system is not overburdened and neglected.

To attain quality maintenance and air conditioner repair in Lake City, FL, head on over to Lane Heating and Air Company website to get yours repaired today! Call us now (386) 466-7514 to get in touch with us today

Will A New Ac Lower My Electric Bill?

Running air conditioners in the US uses 6% of the electricity generated. In addition to this, the utility bills that accompany these systems add up to around $29 billion as of 2020. Therefore, the use of an AC can significantly impact homeowners’ finances all over the country. The use of old or inefficient AC systems is one of the primary reasons for such high utility bills. If this is the case, then it may be time to buy a replacement and hire an AC installation in Lake City, FL.

The benefits of replacing an old AC

Most units have a life expectancy of 10 years in which they provide optimum functioning. After this time, there is a high chance that more money will maintain the AC than actually investing in a brand new one. The most significant benefit that comes with replacing an AC is the reduction in recurring repair costs. However, there are other benefits as well like –

  • Higher SEER Ratings

The SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) scale is associated with measuring the efficiency of an AC. The basis of the scale depends on the ratio of the output (cool air) to the consumption of input energy during the same time. A good AC would have a SEER rating of 13 which translates to the air conditioner being 30% more efficient.

  • Incentivizing New ACs

Older AC systems are much more harmful to the environment due to their inefficiency resulting in higher carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, to reduce the carbon footprint, the government encourages the buying of newer systems. In some states like Florida, the rebate that one receives can go up to $100 if the SEER ratings surpass 14. These homeowners are also eligible for tax credits in some cases.

  • Opportunity To Resize

There can also be room for improvement when buying an AC. However, this improvement extends further than the model being used and involves considering a change in the size of the system. The right size AC for a home can be cheaper to purchase and more efficient, especially for smaller AC. All this is possible at the same SEER level as that of a larger system. To find the right size, technicians offering AC installation in Lake City, FL, carry out a series of measurements and ensure that the AC installed can cool the space.

  • Enhanced Air Quality

The new AC systems come with better filters and motors. This enhancement not only allows it to cool air more quickly but also cleans the air indoors. This can be especially beneficial during the summer when hay fever plagues individuals in almost every household. The majority of the pollen and spores will be caught by the AC, thus reducing the chances of getting allergies.

When it comes to AC systems, there is a lot of deliberation that should be done regarding their repairs and replacement, especially when it’s more than 10 years old.

Looking for expert guidance to avail air conditioner service in Lake City, FL? Book the services of Lane Heating and Air Heating and Cooling here.

Helpful Indoor Air Quality Tips

Helpful Indoor Air Quality Tips

Helpful Indoor Air Quality Tips | Lane Heating and AirYou may think that air pollution is only a problem outside. The truth is, indoor air quality problems are just as dangerous, and perhaps even worse. Indoor air pollutants contribute to breathing problems and can increase the symptoms of ailments like asthma and bronchitis. Here are some tips for protecting yourself and your loved ones from these contaminants in Lake City, FL.

Keep Up With Housekeeping

Perhaps the easiest thing that you can do to improve your home’s indoor air quality is to clean. Vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting your furniture at least once a week will help to reduce the build-up of dust, dirt, and other contaminants. Be careful not to use harsh chemicals for cleaning and opt instead for low-odor, natural cleaners like vinegar and mild soap.

Improve the Ventilation

While you certainly enjoy the coolness that your air conditioner provides, it’s not necessarily the healthiest thing for you. The problem is, most air conditioners and forced air heating systems don’t draw fresh air inside. That means the air is simply recirculated, but not replaced. Avoid this common problem by opening up windows, using a fan to bring outdoor air in, or using an attic fan when the weather permits.

Install an Air Purifier

Even with increased cleaning and improved ventilation, indoor pollutants can still cause your family discomfort. However, you can further reduce these issues by regularly changing the air filters on your HVAC system. It may also help to have a qualified HVAC company install a whole-house air purification system, UV lights, or other air purifiers to further reduce the risk of poor indoor air quality.

Learn More About Indoor Air Quality

If you’re concerned about the indoor air quality in your Lake City, FL home or business, contact us at Lane Heating and Air or call (386) 466-7514. Our highly-trained, friendly technicians will help you find the right solution so you can breathe easy knowing your indoor air is as clean as possible.

Have questions?  Submit a request through our online request form or give us a call and our specialist will help guide you through the different indoor air quality service options.